Northern California Compassion Association



防止詐騙講座 4.2.2023.pptx


由於疫情不斷在擴大中,每天都聽到僑胞說買不到口罩,找不到口罩。 因此 Cupurtino 急難救助恊會捐出3000個口罩,給年滿60歲以上的僑胞。凡中華民國僑胞即可上網登記,一個地址將會贈送5個口罩以郵寄方式送出,送滿為止。



祝福大家平安健康 !

Northern California Compassion Association – Cupertino (NCCAC)

The Northern California Compassion Association, based in Cupertino, was established in September 15,2017. It was commissioned by the Overseas Community Affairs Council of the Republic of China with the aim to offer help and care to the travelers from the Republic of China when they encounter misfortune such as accidents, casualties, sickness, theft and others emergencies, during their oversea travels. This platform provides help and assistance when travelers need it most. The volunteers of NCCAC have assisted in cases like: transporting travelers who need help from airport to the hospital; visiting and helping travelers with accidental injury and in times of death, conveying love and care to make them feel like home when they are overseas. As of today, we have 73 branches/chapters of this kind of services throughout United States!

Human strength lies in the ability to feel compassion and provide empathy towards others in need. We at NCCAC believe that as humans we have an obligation to help others when others are in need. We have worked diligently and continuously to use available resources to achieve our mission, however we still need your help. A single match cannot light a room, but millions of matches combined can light a path. We hope that with everyone’s support and contribution we can expand NCCAC’s influence and carry our spirit forward.

*NCCAC is a tax-exempt organization with 501(c)(3) status. Our tax identification number is 82-514364.

Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by the IRS.

北加州急難救助恊會 簡介

庫比蒂諾市恊會成立於2017 年9 月15 日,本協會受中華民國僑務局委員會委託,成立的宗旨是有鑒於同胞在海外求學、經商、工作或旅遊時,不幸發生意外、傷亡、疾病、失竊等急難時,僑界能適時給予關懷與協助,解其燃眉之急,讓同胞能在海外得到及時送䁔的平台。

協會的義工們曾經施以援手的案例如:救助來美旅遊在機場突然昏迷而需緊急送醫,因車禍受傷及意外身亡的數位同胞,急難救助協會的義工們都曾在第一時間前往探視,提供需要的協助,讓出門在外的同胞倍感溫暖,至今已經有73 所同質救難恊會遍佈全美國!
